Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Birthday! (& Emmy with a lightsaber!)

The Birthday Party!
The day dawned bright and beautiful, the sun was shining and God blessed us with a 70 degree day in NOV! Crazy!

Cam woke up SO excited! He's been waiting for this day for weeks. Stuart had blown up all kinds of balloons the night before and we just set them all over the basement floor (the kiddos could run and jump and hit them all over). Cam went downstairs this morning and saw them all over and exclaim, "Oh my, oh oh OHH MY GRACIOUS!" Just the greatest reaction! Then he saw the cake (I realize what it looks like) and he exclaimed that it was beautiful!

His friends came over (Aleah, Sean, Kade, Colton and Josh) and played outside and had a blast! We ate opened presents, ate lunch and had cake...what could be better? Then later tonight we had the family party! More presents (wow!) and more cake...turning 4 has never been better. Camden had the best day! I cannot believe he's 4! I just want him to keep the magic that he feels about the world alive as long as possible!!!! Our prayer this year is that his heart grows to know God more and more and sees His handiwork all around...bless our little boy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sup guys its Carson cool picture of Cam hope to see or talk to you soon