Sunday, September 16, 2007


That's the title...Walmart.

First, if you know me at all there is a loathing of Walmart that you pick up on real quickly when around me. It started in Rockford. The parking lot at the local Walmart there, it was INSANE. I especially loathed it during the snowstorms and subzero weather. Now, as I've travelled a little bit and been to neighboring Walmarts, I've noticed the parking lots are primarly designed in the same manner: maximum spots with little to no regard to traffic or pedestrian flow.

That brings us to this weekend.

Remember, I HATE walmart. Really.

So, Thursday the kids head to my parents for some wonderful Grandparent time. They get thoroughly spoiled and I realize I don't quite know what to do with myself, but sleep is wonderful. Stuart comes home and announces that coke is on sale at Walmart and the price is pretty ridiculous. Now, with owning two homes we've cut back and coke was one of the items. But this sale...its good. So at 9 pm we head out together (max of 6 packs per person!) we get there and there are 5 packs of diet left. That's all. Stu scoops them up and then we cruise around a bit, because we have no kids, so why not. This was a good experience...parked close, got in, got out, made our purchase with minimal fuss.

Saturday, the tire on the van is low. I had a flat last weekend in Cinti, got if fixed, but its the same tire. Its under warranty at Walmart. Stu stays home with the kids and I head out. Only our Walmart has no car service area. Off to the neighboring town I go. I have a window of 3 hours. I get there and check in, the guy is SO nice, but warns me it will be a wait. It was. I got all my grocery shopping done, plus looked at all the items they carry. 2.5 hours later, I'm on my way. Oil changed, tire plugged. Really tired.

Sunday, up going, kids dressed, fed, ready to head out the door. Tire...flat as a pancake. SO grateful it didn't happen on the road. So being the extreme fix it chick that I am, I called AAA to fix the flat in my GARAGE. SOOOOO pathetic. But, with the kids running around, I figured it'd be quicker and seriously, that's why I have AAA. They came FAST, we had Sunday School in Cam's room and then off we headed for...WALMART. I know, crazy, but I NEED THIS FIXED. We get there, its the same guy checking us in, again SO nice. And honestly I'm not losing my cool, I'm okay, this stuff happens. He says, we'll replace the tire this time. THIS sounds good, THIS I will wait for, no problem. The kids and I enter into the toy aisles and puruse for 1.5 hours the offerings of fisher price and mattle. By the way, there are princess BABIES...princess baby dolls - this was a HUGE discovery. Cam also discovered all things Diego, and I do mean all things. His birthday wish list is DONE. ANYHOW, we survive without making any purchases and without losing a kid. Its time to leave and this is what the guy tells me, "I decided to plug it again, I checked it twice, it should be fine now" - WHAT!!!!!! SHOULD BE????? Still, I don't lose it, turns out the guy who fixed it didn't talk to the guy who checked us in, but still - I think I'd rather have a new tire. This one has been plugged twice and its failed both times. Thankfully I talked to the manager and he was SO kind. I asked him to write me a note (how elementary school?) that I could come back and have the tire replaced (it was nap time by now and there was NO way I was going back in...toy aisle or not).

SO, later this week I will be returning to Walmart, to get the new tire. I will be kind. I will have a good attitude. And I WILL GET THE NEW TIRE ON THAT VAN. After this I'm really hoping to not enter Walmart for a good month, but if they have a good sale... (isn't that what started it all???? My need for a bargain...ugg.)


Anonymous said...

Ok....I'm almost CERTAIN you probably picked up a nail in the parking lot WHILE you were getting your BARGAIN COKE!

(What a hoot!)

JonesFam4 said...

I'd NEVER even considered that possibility!!!! You are SO right!!!! Hey, coming your way - we'll have to get together, want to see those girls of yours, and hubby, and you.... :)

Nora said...

So, I'm reading your old posts because what better to do on a Wednesday night when my 11 year old is gone, right?

Anywho... how did I not realize this kidred spirit we shared. I knew you weren't a huge fan, but I had no idea your level of distain ran as deep as mine. It's good to know someone else understands :).