Saturday, January 19, 2008

It has begun.

For those of you who have known and loved Camden thru years 2 and 3...well Emery has begun to ask "WHY?"


So, it has started and I was totally caught off guard and I'm completely unprepared for handling it. Currently I'm just going straight for, "because."

In other news, we (kids and stacia) went to my parents for an overnight visit. We went and saw the Chipmunk movie (I give it 1/2 a star, the chipmunks ARE cute, but beyond that...well) anyway Cam gave it this rating, "It was AWESOME!" Emmy also loved the movie, but it was mainly because, "I went potty at Chipmunks house!" Yup, she went potty at the theater. Too cute. We had a great time, but the kiddos were missing DADDY, and as we drove home they both asked when they were going to see Daddy...over and over and over. Sweet reunion!

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