Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Land of the Living

We are, I believe, back.

Sent Cam off to Pre-K today and his comment was...."aren't I still sick?" Seriously!!! He has a Valentines Party today, fun fun fun and he's still wanting to laze around here with momma and sis. I kinda love that! Okay, I'd love it right up until he says, "I'm bored" and then I pretty much would be furious.

Emmy is STILL sleeping, but am I going to disturb that...NO WAY! In fact joining her sounds pretty alright.

Stu headed to work for the first time in over a week, well not counting Sunday and one foolish attempt last week. Can I just tell you how grateful we are for laptops? He actually, in the pneumonia haze, got work done! I'm so impressed, I didn't get anything done without any kind of haze.

We ended up "taking a trip" the last few days. Stu had a conference to go to and the kids and I went along. We had planned on going along and visiting some friends, but what with the illnesses I really didn't want Stu to drive the whole way alone and medicated. So, off we went to Granger, IN? Anyhow, we had a lovely time playing and then we popped up to Rockford to surprise visit some friends. We were only there for about 24 hours, so the visits were slim. But Stu popped in the office, had lunch with a friend, the kids and I surprised some buddies and had a lovely playdate and dinner with friends. We didn't get to see nearly enough friends, but it was what we could manage with still being exhausted from sick and travel on top. Anyhow, it was lovely to get away together!

We saw some SERIOUS snow!!!! Wow. Don't miss cleaning that off the drive. But just as always, I enjoyed the trapped in the car together drive time. We really do have a nice time chatting and listening to music, its somewhat relaxing.

Then HOME! We got here just in time to carry a sleeping Cam to bed (7pm folks, 7pm...he was asleep in the car at 6!) and then I had to head out and buy valentines. Ugg. We were going to make them, but we only got started on them and then he'd get to feeling bad and need to rest last week, dip ones were purchased. Then I had to make his box for school. Luckily I could use parts of the valentine stuff he'd worked on to cover the box, so its almost like Cam made it himself!

Alright, laundry is calling and a shower doesn't sound so bad either...

Happy Valentines Day to all...enjoy being loved and loving!

1 comment:

Nora said...

Glad you guys made it back safely and had a nice trip. Happy Valentine's Day!