Monday, March 10, 2008

WALKING~ahhhh spring?

Cam keeps saying, "its being a Lion outside Mom, its definitely March"

Well, the Lion became Lamb today, balmy and 50? Wow. Very lovely. We actually got our for a walk tonight after dinner. It was great kicking the leftover snow around and "going faster and faster" (Emmy) down the hill.

The best part of the evening was Emmy saying, "I wanna get that chicken!" and then running her Emmy run to get over to the ... ROBIN! Then she said, "chicken, chicken, bock bock!"

Cam played soccer with the snow chunks and tried to not be tired. He's not understanding why its still light out, and why he's so tired.

Oh, we had no school today? Anyhow the county schools were on a one hour delay due to the melting snow (!!!) and Cam ended up not having preschool. It was a great day for it to happen though, we had MOPS so he still got to play and ended up having a great time. He's all concerned that there be school tomorrow though, he's supposed to go bowling.

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