Sunday, April 13, 2008

What did you learn in youth group?

So, there was a lovely discussion in the van on the way home from youth group/our small group meeting/play in the gym time. Its our Sunday night, and Cam and Emmy love, LOVE, LOVE it! I have never seen Cam more emphatic about anything than going to youth group, he loves it. And his teacher, Mr. Steve, (hope I have that right) anyhow, he rocks.

Anyhow, I asked what Cam learned about.

Cam - That guy taking his son up to sacrifice him.

Me- you mean Abraham?

Cam - Yeah, that one. Anyway, do you know that sacrifice means kill? And he took his son up and then an angel came and brought a very special kinda sheep so Abraham didn't have to kill his son, they got to use the very special sheep instead and it all was okay and God was happy.

Me - (BIG PAUSE, this is a story I have trouble with, I'm sincerely convinced that Abraham did NOT inform Sarah of his intentions with the whole sacrifice thing. I'm pretty sure a mom would have a bit of trouble with it. And I'm mostly sure my trust/faith in God would not be this strong, anyhow I say...) Yeah, that's an interesting story. Abraham trusted God a lot. He knew that no matter how silly or strange it seemed to him, that God had a best plan. Abraham trusted that God would make everything turn out alright.

Cam -yeah, I trust God too. He's stronger than anything, and I bet he can make me fly, if He wanted too.

Emmy (pipes up) - I twust God too!

Then the conversation ran on to flight and a few statements about TV and such. But you know what, he does trust God. What's not to trust? I think it just gets muddled when we decide we know what's best and forget that this is not home.

Anyhow, I think in the end, great conversation, but man, if I were Mr. Steve I'd be rethinking that curriculum! Heavy stuff indeed!


Keeping an Eye on Paraguay said...

Preaching to the Choir, but just a thought...

I think you are supposed to think, "hey what is going on here..." or "what kind of person would sacrifice his son." I think that only helps us to realize the incredibleness of the reality that a few thousand years later, another son was led up the mountain by his father... only there was no ram in the thicket and no angel to stop the sacrifice...

I think we should ask, "what kind of God would do that?!?"

And that is where LOVE comes in! Amazing to me too!

JonesFam4 said...

ahhh, but when has my brain ever been about what I'm supposed to think? And yup, the foreshadowing its beyond significant, it ties the old testament and new together, the what it WAS and now IS.

But no, me I'm thinking, Hey did he TELL his wife what he was up to?

Bob said...

but man, if I were Mr. Steve I'd be rethinking that curriculum! Heavy stuff indeed!


Keeping an Eye on Paraguay said...

He probably didn't tell Sarah... you know how she was always laughing at the serious things...

Nora said...

I love how the most awesome thing Cam can think of God doing for him is to make him fly! Too cute! Daniel prayed last night that his teacher wouldn't assign too much homework today since it was the first day back from spring break. What would our lives be like if we took every request, small as it may be, to God? I love the faith of kids...

JonesFam4 said...

Oh Bob, do you not see my smirk? I just always think its funny that the difficult things for ME are so easy for Cam. Fatih of a child.

Maddie said...

awwwe thats soo cute.. i think its so funny how we spend countless hour trying to get ourselves to understand why God does what he does, but kids just know the answer to it immediately, like its nothing.

like you said..
the faith of a child...

-maddie jacobi.