Monday, October 30, 2006

Carving the Pumpkin with the Pumpkins

And so, we carved the pumpkin! The final product is not pictured, but its a wolf howling at the moon - good job daddy!

We had a busiest pre-halloween weekend...Friday was tons of fun with the Harvest Festival at church, where Cam did "ALL THE GAMES!" and a treat night at Fat Wallet (a friend works there) where Cam played a really fun hockey game. Friday also marked Daddy's first "Learn to Play" hockey lesson. He had a good time, while the kiddos and I were at church doing the games! Fun was had by all, but Saturday we had to just crash at home and do the pumpkin (thank you to the Harps Pumpkin Patch for providing such a nice pumpkin!)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Official First Steps

Lil' girl has done it! The official first steps in a row were counted today. Three in a row. Last night Amanda caught her doing some, but these were filmed soooo....

She's been doing the one step...then fall for about two weeks, but these were deliberate steps and no falling between!!!

One day before 10 months. We are in SO much trouble.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Back to Edwards....

We went back to Edwards with Josh (Cam's buddy). It was cold, but we got some fun photos and Emmy's "STINK EYE" was captured. See if you can find it!

Monday, October 09, 2006

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Its BEAUTIFUL out there...

It is BEAUTIFUL today...has been all weekend. So in honor of the weather we've decided to not pick up anything in the house or do any laundry (how's that different you may ask). Instead we are PLAYING PLAYING PLAYING outside all day.

Cam is back from the grandparents and you could feel the energy level in the house just explode! He's so funny and crazy. Saturday he and daddy went to do the kids workshop at Home Depot. They got there and there was a real FIRETRUCK and police car there. Cam was on the phone with Granny when he spotted the Firetruck and apparently told Daddy to, "Hurry up, hurry up there's a real live firetruck here!" Then he basically hung up on Granny, but what are you to do when you see a big ol' red fire truck?

Today Image Pro's (unsolicited ad) came and did our driveway. Cam about flipped out, he was busting out the front door before the guys were out of their truck! He had a great time watching, and I must say it was pretty cool.

Sunday we were outside playing and the phone guy came to fix the phone. Cam and I were out back and the guy came around back to have me check the phone to see if it was better. And there goes my shy guy, "Hi! Are you here to play?" Too funny...we are going to have to instill some sense of stranger fear....

Well, here are the pics of the day. Raking leaves with Haley (neighbor girl), Emmy in the pile and Cam being crazy. Fun day!! You can't beat sun and if only the prediction for SNOW on Thursday is WRONG!

Monday, October 02, 2006

back to normal

The kitchen is done...newly cleaned and painted. Ahhh. So now its back to the little trouble at hand. Cam is at the Grandparents (KY) this week, not missing us at all. And Em and I are doing...nothing. We took a big walk on the bike path today and enjoyed summer in Oct. (87 degrees today, gotta love that!).
Here's some fun pics of the lil' imp.