Monday, August 28, 2006

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As we were driving to Willow, we looked back and saw a VERY tired boy and his beloved blankie... Posted by Picasa

Praciticing his crazy eyes

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The Weekend...

Friday Stu and Cam did a par 3 course in town. Cam got a ligitimate 5 on one hole. Pretty impressive!!

We went with the staff to Krape Park on Saturday. Its a really nice park, has a mini-golf course, carousel, paddle boats and tons of playground equipment. Cam and I got to take a fun paddle boat ride and he and daddy played mini-golf.

As we were driving home, Stuart mentioned the idea of going in to Willow Creek. So, I checked the diaper bag and said onward.... We were all tired, but really enjoyed the evening out. Cam had a great time in Promised Land, or as he called it - Wonderland. Emmy did great as well.

Sunday was church and then the seniors ice cream social. The weather was great the the band was great too!

Busy weekend...and so today we're crashed...doing laundry (desperate need) and trying to clean up (ha!)

Friday, August 25, 2006

Conversation at dinner tonight

Maybe I'm a little too excited about this blog thing, but the conversation at dinner is one I would normally write down anyway.

So, we're sitting eating dinner tonight and out of the blue Cam pipes up, "You know God knows everyone in the whole world. Like, the people all over that we don't even know."

Me, "Yup, you're right. He knows everyone and everything."

Cam, "Yeah, he even knows thing 1 and thing 2 and even the Cat in the Hat"

Too cute.
Okay, so Tammy said this was easy and a great way to stay in contact with family/friends without having to send tons of emails. So here I go. I'm learning how to add all the pictures so everyone can enjoy all at once.

Hopefully I'll update often.

Here's the kiddo update and family stuff:

Cam (aka Camden, Brother Bear)

- he's a genius. I just know it. We're in the car the other day and he's listening to a tape of songs G-mom made for him (circa 1970) and the song says, "you take your turn, I'll take mine" and that son of mine pipes up and says, "hey! Its like sharing!" Brilliant. Now were he 12 I might not be so impressed, but at 3??? Wow.

-also, he's a scooting machine! Loves the scooter and is already daring to do tricks - that risky boy stuff! He pulled out the bunny hop on the scooter the other day, pretty cool.

-currently reading THE HAPPY HOKY FAMILY (a must read for Julia, lins- too funny)

Emery (aka Emmy, Sissy, Lil Girl, Rosy-roo, Em)

-genius level is yet to be determined, but she's already forming words!!! Mamma is frequent as is Dada and MOOOOOOOO (for more - we think the please is implied) and Bu (brother!). Also in rotation is AHHHHDU (all done, and if you think its a fluke, trust me...from the cart in Target I hear AHHHHHDU and that's all she wrote!)

-crawling, pulling up, letting go, falling, getting hurt, getting into (everything)

-two teeth

Sooo hungry Posted by Picasa
Ohhhh Cup Posted by Picasa
LOOK AT THOSE TEETH!!! Can Emmy BE more happy and cute??? Posted by Picasa
LOOK AT THOSE THIGHS!!!! Posted by Picasa
Momma's photo shoot, picture 1 Posted by Picasa
It was getting dark at the Ski Broncs, but can you just see the PURE JOY???? Dancin' Cam, tounge out Colton...too much fun Posted by Picasa
How can I resist posting this shot of Aleah. TOO FUNNY Posted by Picasa
Cam with his cute curls at the Ski Broncs. Down on the river there's a free ski show during the summer. We went and basically he, Colton and Aleah found more joy in playing in the sand and dancing around than in the show. I think we enjoyed their show more too. SUMMER NIGHTS...ahhhhhhhhh Posted by Picasa
Scooter boy! Who knew that Grandmom and Grandddad's $3 would go so far. He likes his scooter, "more than my bike now momma!" Posted by Picasa
Cam thinks he's crossing his eyes, he calls this "Crazy Face" Posted by Picasa


Cam is such a goofball!!! Here he is after Sissy tried the glasses on Posted by Picasa

Emmy - the Star

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