Thursday, January 31, 2008


I just wanted to post a little story about naps.
They are such a good thing.
If you talk to Cam he will deny this.
He will, in fact, state that it is a form of punishment.
He will fight it, fuss about it, deal his way out of one...but when he takes a nap...ahhhhh, it is beautiful.
He wakes up happy, he's pleasant at dinner, sleeps better at night, chats more, etc....

So, today, FINALLY, after about 5 weeks with no nap, he caved.
Now, keep in mind he is not feeling 100%, so it really was necessary.

And this evening, a happy, pleasant boy appeared.

Now, if only I could nap and turn into a happy, pleasant momma. But something always gets in the way...laundry :)

Emmy wanted to SHOW GRANNY her bowhairs

Yup, Emmy was lovin' her ponytails tonight and lovin' her outfit. So, after she spoke to granny on the phone she wanted to show her...and Cam was willing to smile!

Friday, January 25, 2008

And the week ends with SICK

We went to the Dr again to recheck Emmy. She's still not feeling any better after five days of rest, tylenol and fluids. She's perky in mid-morning and then by afternoon, its all downhill. Meanwhile, Cam's been really doing well just waking up each night with dreams or his nose bothering him. I didn't think it was anything, but he went with us today and I just had the DR. check his ears to make sure, sure enough double ear infection and his ears looked worse than Em's. Then Stu tells me he's feeling bad...I sent him off immediately to the Dr. So the whole fam but me is on antibiotics. I think we'll just lay low this weekend! All in all though, its not serious or life threatening, just tiring. That I can take.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sick Pic and Wii Love

Here's Emmy in the tub, trying to bring the fever down and she did enjoy a popsicle in the tub too! Meanwhile, Cam allowed me to nurse the fussy chick and he played Wii baseball. Actually we both played while Em napped, I actually won one!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ccheaus You Come Down

Emmy sings AGAIN! She's sick, but singing!

Cam's Snow Day mixed with Emmy Sick Day=THIS

Cam created these alien "masks" today. In between the crying fits of Em wanting "MOMMA" and movie watching, Cam managed to find some creativity, sparked from He loves that website! ANYHOW, here the cuties are:

Emmy's Sick

Emmy's sick this week. Which means, very little sleep is happening and she gets to eat pretty much whatever she will, therefore we have popsicles. Its something going down! She started out Sunday getting a lovely cough and by that night it was bad. Then onto a fever and lots of snot. So, the humidifier is going, tissues are being used left and right and our hands are all dried out from the washing.

Christmas Photos

Cam opening the coolest remote control Lightening McQueen car and Emmy with her lovely hat and the BABY ariel. Then here they are in their attempt to have a sleep over in Cam's room. Aunt Terre gave them the sleeping bags, so we thought we'd try them out, but Emmy couldn't stay in her 10pm the party was over. Still it was fun to try.

Finally Christmas Eve Photos

Here are Cam, Em and Addison all dressed up for the Christmas Eve service. They enjoyed all the music and the lights on the trees! Plus I did pack snacks!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

It has begun.

For those of you who have known and loved Camden thru years 2 and 3...well Emery has begun to ask "WHY?"


So, it has started and I was totally caught off guard and I'm completely unprepared for handling it. Currently I'm just going straight for, "because."

In other news, we (kids and stacia) went to my parents for an overnight visit. We went and saw the Chipmunk movie (I give it 1/2 a star, the chipmunks ARE cute, but beyond that...well) anyway Cam gave it this rating, "It was AWESOME!" Emmy also loved the movie, but it was mainly because, "I went potty at Chipmunks house!" Yup, she went potty at the theater. Too cute. We had a great time, but the kiddos were missing DADDY, and as we drove home they both asked when they were going to see Daddy...over and over and over. Sweet reunion!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day? Are you sure?

The schools here were delayed today, so Cam's preschool was cancelled. We didn't know, trust me there was not enough snow to hardly wet the ground, but I do appreciate nice surprises!

Stu took Cam to school and then called to tell me the news. One of Cam's buddy's was there too, so they were all playing in the gym. I hopped up, got "dressed" and went to work out at church while the kids ran and played. Perfect!

Then we went up to the church library and read for an hour or so, then ready to leave right? Well, we got invited to stay for the Young At Heart lunch. (Keep in mind, I'm sweaty and gross, the kids have been running in the gym for hours so they're not too lovely either). Well, we went and WHAT FUN!!!! It was musically themed, so we got to join in on the good old yell out your hymn number and we'll sing festivities. Cam was loving following along in the hymn book and Em, well...what can I say. They were sooo kind, we sang Jesus Loves Me and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as per her requests. She just stood in awe as everyone sang and drank it in!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Its a PEE day

In the grand tradition of the last few posts, its all body function humor.

Emmy had the PEE day of the week (at least I hope).

She was at church and didn't tell me she needed to go. BUT, she DID go into a bathroom and stand in front of a potty trying to figure out how to get up (I can only assume), as she wet her pants everywhere. Luckily, I was prepared with a change of clothes.

THEN, home for nap. Put her down in a diaper, she decided it was too cumbersome to her sleep situation, so off it came. THEREFORE, all the bedding got a lovely washing and her as well.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better potty time.

The good thing, the girl cracks me up and its really hard to get frustrated or angry when she smiles AND it helps that Cam thinks these whole proceedings are hilarious (as he doesn't have clean up duty).

These are the good days folks!!!

Out to Lunch

We went with Daddy out to lunch at Gatti's today (its a pizza joint, buffet style and YUMMY). Anyhow, he had a class to teach tonight so this was our time with him. We're sitting there and the TV is blaring behind us (ugg) and Stu gets up to refill one of the kids drinks. When he walks away it gets quiet and from the TV they're talking about a car accident where someone rear-ended another vehicle.

As this is happening Cam leans over to me and says, "Hey Mom, they just said rear-end " Sheepish grin.

I busted a gut.

Ahhhh, bathroom humor and a mom with a junior high sense of humor, what are we going to do????

I was so amazed and impressed at the timing, the fact that he wasn't watching the TV and just picked that up and then the delivery to me with that grin. TOOOOOO MUCH!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Potty Talk

Emmy has this thing right now. She looks at a picture and sees animals, she'll see a grouping and pick out the smallest one and say, "That Emmy" then that momma, that daddy, that bu all according to the size of the animals etc... Very cute, however...she has also applied this to pooping.

She goes, and then labels each according to its size as either a baby, momma, daddy or brother.

This is WEIRD, but OH it makes me laugh so hard.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

RIP Edwards

I cannot believe that a tornado hit Edwards Apple Orchard. Thanks to Miss Bonnie, calling and letting me know...tear. And for Bob hitting the blog with the news. I just figure God is systematically taking things I'd miss away :)...First Lins, Erin, Amanda and now EDWARDS?????? Sooo, this means WATCH OUT for those of you left, don't get caught out in a storm right now. I'm on a roll :).

But, on the positive side, it really sounds like they are depending on others to help, church, community etc... and maybe it'll be a great way to bring folks together. We're still sad.


Cam DOES NOT want to be back in school. He announced to me that he, "Loves a boring day". This means he likes sleeping "in" (not really late, but 8) and doing whatever he chooses. He is truly a boy after my own heart.

Emmy is in big girl undies. She doesn't like to tell me when she needs to go, she likes for me to guess. She also (very helpful) goes into the bathroom and stands in front of the potty and poops in her pants. This has happened twice this week. I mean, seriously she talks ALL THE TIME, couldn't she just say, "I need to poop"???? BUT, what fun would that be? She is doing amazingly well at the whole thing. Really staying dry about 80% of the time and no real problems. I'm just thinking if your already in the bathroom, why not actually GET ON THE POTTY?

We love playing the Wii. I'm sore from boxing. I can't play tennis. Cam kicks my butt on every game. But, we laugh our heads off and have a great time. Plus Emmy likes to dance to the music.

Cam tried to make a Mii character for Jesus. He told me he just couldn't get it right, it didn't look like him. - How great is that?

We also had the breakdown recently when he found out about Satan. UGG. It was in the Bible story we were reading. And that led to a whole conversation and tears...needless to say, much prayers and we seem to be okay. Still VERY traumatic. I just didn't know how to 'splain it well. So, I prayed hard right then and there and then Daddy came in and helped out. Cam's got a rather tender heart, hoping it stays that way. So much for my spiritual training.

I got to run up and visit a friend in Cinti, actually northern KY last week. My parents watched the kids and gave me the free time. AWESOME. I'm SO grateful for living here, I have missed being this close to Denise (friends from about 5th grade) and its a treat. Also, we got together with Tom and Beth too, friends from Stu's first ministry. I have to say, its a bit like coming home. I imagine that any reunion with old friends is that way, but its been particularly sweet to have them close again. Its the icing on the cake to this move. It has NOT been easy to move from our friends in Rockford, NOT at all, but it really did help to have some old friends so close now, three hours compared to 10 is NOTHING, and Louisville...hop skip jump, and Lexington, grandparents, well you just can't beat that, the kids are digging that so much, now if we can just move Stu's family :).

yack yack, pictures next time.
happy new year...I'm trying to cook at home and exercise(not simultainiously)...we'll see how long this lasts, I predict 3 weeks!