Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Emmy usually rides this car, but Bu needed a turn
the chalk (making her escape)
The slide, I let Em out and she headed straight for the slide and proceeded to go up and down without any help at all!

Chalk drawings and such...

Daddy: I drew the stick figure, but Cam added the necessary hair and glasses (ala Bob of years gone by glasses :))
Airplane (pretty good, I like the smoke out the back)
(Cam's self portrait) Look at the driveway...we were busy, even Emmy, when she wasn't eating the chalk

Yup, Spring has peeked and said, "Hello", but please don't count out the snow. So, we are lapping up the sunshine and counting the freedom of outdoors as a treat. I LOVE the sound of the birds and kids...what could be better? We even have a few brave lilly of the valley up and blooming!

Lots of Pictures...start with day 1 of nice weather: Chalk drawings and the like

Friday, March 09, 2007

Watching "Bu"

Emery loves to watch out the window at Cam when he's out playing...I love the pictures. Right now they pretty much love each other to pieces. Cool.

You can just see Cam out the window on the slide...

Chula Vista

We didn't take the camera to the actual waterpark, but the room was cool enough. Also, Mr. Harp being the surrogate dad...nice!!! Stu was still on the crutches/cast deal, sooooo....

Playing in the basement (the winter outdoors)

Lots of stuff going on

Emmy and the "oatmeal sensory table" and then the floor...

I'm gonna finally post some pictures, but...

...meanwhile in Jones' land...

...Stu is off crutches YEA!!!
...Em can crawl down the stairs backwards, much thanks to Camden for teaching her
...We hit an indoor waterpark (unfortunately for me, while Stuart was still on crutches)
...Stuart is now 37
...Cam is addicted to Star Wars and all things related
...I'm almost caught up on laundry and I finally finished painting the bathroom (only took 4 weeks, ugg)