Tuesday, February 20, 2007


That's right, it reached 43 degrees!!!! We could go out with a JACKET. I cannot express how much this thrilled me. So, we packed up the stroller and scooter and went for a walk to visit the Lundquists down the street. HOW WONDERFUL IS IT TO WALK TO NEIGHBORS?????

Cam actually got tired about halfway there, his scootin' leg just isn't quite up to it.

Yesterday we built 2 snowmen, today went for a stroll. Ahhhhh, please come soon spring. (We're not counting this as a sign of spring, just a brief reprieve that God chose to send to one momma here that is going to go absolutely out of her mind if the kiddos can't get out OUT OUT of the house soon, so thank you God!)

Monday, February 19, 2007


So, Cam sneezes today. He doesn't cover his mouth. And the spit goes ALL over his sweatshirt. So, he turns to me and says, "Oh yuck, my bless you got all over me."

'Bout sent me over the edge.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fun pics with the Mac

New toy, new fun

Happy ValentiMes Day

So, Cam barged into the room this morning bright and early (okay, not that early for normal people, but...) and he says, "Happy Valentimes Day". I'm not correcting it. Its right up there with Movieator (theater, which apparently he figured out now, ugg). So as we say, "I love you" all those Valentiney things to him, he then decides to get up and goes to, "see the decorations in the house". I turned to Stu (staying home for family breakfast as tonight its a late one...nice) and say, "that's gonna be one mighty disappointed little boy." However, his enthusiasm was unscathed. His joy for the day was complete, friend over to play and valentimes cards in mail and the infamous STAR WARS ones to hand out to all his buddies. He was pretty much over the top about the whole day. Pretty cool, I just love the enthusiasm from him.

On the other funny/cute/cool items:

Emmy now folds her hands for prayer and sometimes says, "ama" for amen.
She also can climb into her highchair and stand in it!
She's "reading" her books, climbs (notice a theme?) into her rocking chair and reads alone for a good 20 mins!
Her babydoll has been tucked into her cradle, then said, "ni, ni baaabe" and added her "stinky-bear" for the doll to sleep with, soooo cute.
She also has decided the nursery is not for her. This past Sunday she said, "NO" to going in. Hmmmm, we're in for trouble.
Em knows some animals and the noises they make - Doggie-Woof; Cat-Meow

Cam is happiest playing Lego Star Wars 1 with daddy. And even daddy has passed his limit on the star wars conversations, hee hee.
In one of the play sessions Stu was explaining that the lego guy, the emperor, was REALLY a bad guy, but was pretending to be good and be on his team. Cam then decided to lay into the emperor. destroyed. Stu was pretty impressed with his putting the story together.
Cam has spent the last week writing on his Star Wars Valentimes, painfully slow, but SO exciting!
We made Daddy some Valentimes cookies!
He's also been "playing" with Sissy more and more. They basically chase each other around all day...pretty cool.

Funny kiddos, there's always something going on!