Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Soccer Dude

Cam's been taking "soccer" at the Y this past month. Basically its a bunch of preschool boys running and running. What could be better. The coach is great, so patient! Anyhow here's few pics of the boy in ACTION, running the obstacle course and so on.

2 more birthday pics...

Birthday Girl, Birthday Girl

So, the birthday's not really until tomorrow...but you have to celebrate when you can. So, we loaded up on cake, a tiara, and a few presents and friends...and Emery has now ushered in a new year. Hard to believe this little girl has only been here a year. She's hilarious, mischievous, cute, and a handful! And she likes to say, "HI". We have truely been blessed with a wonderful year with Em. She makes everyone who sees her smile and she gives the best hugs! She also LOVES her big bru and daddy more than anything else (okay, maybe stinky bear is a close second).

So, here's the big day: cake, a few friends, cake, cake and presents...what more could a girl want, well maybe spaghetti!

Friday, December 01, 2006


December 1st...SNOW! And LOTS of it...

Stu had a busy morning using the snowblower, our driveway and helping a few neighbors as well! Its fun to get that thing going.

Cam enjoyed sledding, he's been out most of the day with the neighbor kids playing (about 4 hours altogether!) and when inside he's been requesting hot chocolate.

Emmy sat outside for a bit, made a baby snow-angel, sledded (for a few seconds) and then back in.

We went to get the tree

The tradition continues...Williams Tree Farm.

This year Cam made up a song, "will-i-ams tree farm, will-i-ams tree farm, everyone wants to go to will-i-ams tree farm. (spoken) williams tree farm." Brilliant :)

We hit the farm while the week was still warm, we also had to work with the dark! This was our first ever nighttime tree hunt. They have a field that is "lit". We managed to find a great tree, cut it and have time for dinner!! We also saw the reindeer and puppies. Then, home to set it up and put the lights on, the ornaments came the next night.

Cam brought along his SAW to help Stu cut! Here are the Pics...

An non-traditional Thanksgiving

Stu and I went to Arizona for thanksgiving, while G-mom and G-dad (the Ratcliffe grandparents) watched the kiddos. We had a WONDERFUL time!!! Bonus, we came home to a clean house (which we've almost completely undone, give us a few more days...ugg.)

Here are a few pics of Arizona...