Thursday, February 26, 2009

God is in Lightening McQueen and THE CAREBEAR

This was the statement from the boy.

"God is in Lightening McQueen."

What? What do you mean?

"Well, you know, at the end of the movie at the end of the race? He stops and helps the other car and lets the snarky guy win. That was God. He's in Cars. 'Cause, you know, Lightening McQueen did what Jesus would've done. Right Mom? He put somebody else ahead of himself and was looking out for someone else."

Yup, that's the boy. Right there...seeing God...everywhere.
Oh, to see with his eyes.

Later we went to a game/pizza joint. We were blessed with some tokens to spend from someone kind enough to pass them our way (love that!) and he says, "I'm gonna win something for Sissy and if I have enough leftover I'll get something."

...Sis now has a pink carebear, plastic. He's so pumped to give it to her.

Where does this kindness come from?
What makes his little boy heart overflow?
How does he see God so clearly?

It's a beautiful thing, to see God in a kid.
To see His love burst out of a little boy heart.
To see His wisdom come from a little boy mouth.
To know that this world, its all clear, to a little boy with a great God.

"You see, children loved Jesus, and they knew they didn't need to do anything special for Jesus to love them. All they needed to do was to run into his arms. And that's what they did." Jesus Storybook Bible.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Got the idea from:

Mixing has never been so fun...can't wait to try this with the boy and add in MEASURING to the whole mix!!

on the way to dance class

Cam had the day off, so he had to go with us. He's a great sport!
They were just too cute, so the camera...well, it had to come out!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!


Our neighbor up the street gave Bu the pink rollerblades and, true to form, he could care less that they're pink, he's just glad for rollerblades! So, on the cleaned up driveway, off the kiddos went...rolling, rolling, rolling.


This is Sis, looking so big and grown up, on her way to MOPS. Its her school

Fit to be TIED!

All alone, and QUICK! He's been tying his shoes, but SLLLLOOOOWWWWLY. This time, he did it all alone, no prompting and FAST

What are your kids like?

This is what she's like at home.

Sis in the sunlight

The sun was shining so nicely thru the window, and the camera is still so shiny and new...thus PICTURES!

Snow day/Ice day #7...what to do? DRESS UP!

These kids...they have a GREAT time together! Bu always includes Sis (well, for the most part) and Sis, well she seems to think he's pretty funny!

there was SNOW

There was a bit of snow a few weeks before the ice. We enjoyed it for a morning, then melt melt melt

snuggle time with daddy

Daddy was trying to sneak a nap in one day...HA!

Who knew?

When we got our new mattress for our bed, oh about 1 1/2 years ago, who knew the old mattress would be the best thing ever? Yes, we live dangerously...Cam flips (I don't like it, but boys, well they will be boys!)

Yup, our house is fun! The best toys: old mattress to jump on and a slide thing my parents found at a yard sale. Turn on some loud music and you've got yourself a PARTY!

Most everyday I hear, "Let's go jump!" from either kiddo!

On days when the weather is bad, this is a life saver! Gets the energy out and when the thing was destined for the trash...all the better of a find!

Ice Storm '09

We've cleaned up limbs, just in time for a wind storm!
But here are the pretty pictures of the ice. It was BEAUTIFUL, kinda the white witches dreamland, narnia style.