Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You can't go with us.

So Cam is having a conversation with Kathy, a co-worker of Stu's.
She asks if she can come to Florida with us.

Cam replys, "well, if you lived in our house you could, but you don't live in our house so you can't come."

In the retelling to me he also included the phrase, "its difficult to explain"

So, the gist of it is, if you're in our family, you're welcome to come to FL...otherwise you're OUT!

Hopefully pics of FL will some soon.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Alice the Cat

Alice the Cat strikes again!

Emmy has continued her story of Alice, the pink cat with pink eyes (that detail added today)

Alice has now: gone to church with her, slept in her tent in her room, gotten lost, been waiting for us in the van to go and pick up "Bu" from school, she was also in Daddy's car for a while too.

We'll see what she's up to tomorrow.

That Cat!


Em calls her bows that....bowhairs.

Anyhow, thanks to Tammy I've been making bowhairs for a week! Still more!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Look out below!

Lots of posts below...scroll...scroll...scroll


Fishing time is here...
Em is also dressing herself. Dancing and fishing apparently require the same outfit.

Cam's got a new BIGGER fishing pole (spiderman); the old one broke!
Em's is princess and she actually will cast it into the water with the little plastic crown thing that comes with it, instead of a hook.

Cam is serious about fishing this year. His attention span is much better and he's learning the ropes pretty well. And the boy can cast, MUCH better than his Momma.

Stu's loving this. Andy Griffith right here.

Photo Shoot

Emmy and her flower...

Friday, April 18, 2008


Tonight at the ball field we watched a buddy play baseball, but really we were there to hang out with friends and play at the playground. And apparently we were there for Em to chat with boys.

You read right, boys. She knows. OH does she know. She stands different, tilts her head, saunters! This was the scene...a teeball/baseball team waiting to play, just standing around. Emmy walks right up to the group of 8/9 year olds and tells them the following:

Em: I, I, I tew da boys I have a pink cat. Her name Alice. Her go school and my, my, my pink cat run 'way. So I yell for her, I yell ALICE and she, she, she come back.

First, we have no pink cat. The idea. School, okay we went to Cam's school to register him today. All the rest, running away, coming idea.

Second, she had this harem of boys spellbound. She kept running away, looking over her shoulder to see if they'd chase. Coming back and chatting more. Seriously, she totally intruded on their group thing and just took over. Flirt.

Mostly, I'm grateful that the boys she preens infront of are still young and sweet to her. They laugh and chat with her, meanwhile I'm wondering if this is a sign of things to come. Last night she picked her object of affection: David. Last week: Jesse (we're STILL talking about Jesse- "I wike Jesse" quote from last night. They're always older, hoping its a big brother thing. She does it at home to a degree ... dresses up and wants "Bu" to see her (brother) and he does and makes the proper response - Emmy you're beautiful- (bless his heart, he's such a good brother).

Anyhow, tonight was priceless and caught on film.


Its gonna be hard.

We registered for Kindergarten today.

I'm not ready.

He is, I'm not.

Its gonna be hard to watch my little boy walk off alone.
Its gonna be hard to NOT know most of his day.
Its gonna be hard.

I'm not ready (have I mentioned?)

Anyhow, we loved the school (looking around) and Cam introduced himself to another little boy that's going to be in kindergarten there next year (he did make Sissy go over with him to they are getting along so well)

I'm NOT ready.


Earthquake...we're up...the house shook for about 15 seconds. This, apparently, was big.
Little freaked out, but the kids slept thru!

Wow, that was a big one:



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let's go Fly A Kite on TAX DAY, uggggggg

Beautiful day...
...played outside after school and ate our lunch out!

Then we got the call from Nora to go the the park and fly kites!

Cam and Daniel ran and ran and ran (beautiful!)
Em and Bethany climbed, slid, dug in the sand, ran and Bethany flew her kite (quite well!)

They were all dirty, tired, and summertime smelly...beautiful!!!

Then we pushed it to the edge with impromptu dinner (baskin robbins is very strict on their dollar scoop hours, so we had to do dinner first!) and then dollar scoop night. Em barely ate her strawberry ice cream and pushed Bethany's frayed little buttons by trying to eat HER ice cream.

So, the end was not as pretty as the beginning, but still SO fun, and I do believe the boys are going to "hang out" sometime. Its nice to have an older kid think you're alright, it gives Cam such a boost. He's always had some older buddies (Harps, Austin) and this has continued nicely here. I just love that God has provided friendships for my little boy, that's some serious icing on the cake.

Now we shall see what tomorrow brings...oh the plumber (leak under the kitchen sink...and taxes (did I mention that?))

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What did you learn in youth group?

So, there was a lovely discussion in the van on the way home from youth group/our small group meeting/play in the gym time. Its our Sunday night, and Cam and Emmy love, LOVE, LOVE it! I have never seen Cam more emphatic about anything than going to youth group, he loves it. And his teacher, Mr. Steve, (hope I have that right) anyhow, he rocks.

Anyhow, I asked what Cam learned about.

Cam - That guy taking his son up to sacrifice him.

Me- you mean Abraham?

Cam - Yeah, that one. Anyway, do you know that sacrifice means kill? And he took his son up and then an angel came and brought a very special kinda sheep so Abraham didn't have to kill his son, they got to use the very special sheep instead and it all was okay and God was happy.

Me - (BIG PAUSE, this is a story I have trouble with, I'm sincerely convinced that Abraham did NOT inform Sarah of his intentions with the whole sacrifice thing. I'm pretty sure a mom would have a bit of trouble with it. And I'm mostly sure my trust/faith in God would not be this strong, anyhow I say...) Yeah, that's an interesting story. Abraham trusted God a lot. He knew that no matter how silly or strange it seemed to him, that God had a best plan. Abraham trusted that God would make everything turn out alright.

Cam -yeah, I trust God too. He's stronger than anything, and I bet he can make me fly, if He wanted too.

Emmy (pipes up) - I twust God too!

Then the conversation ran on to flight and a few statements about TV and such. But you know what, he does trust God. What's not to trust? I think it just gets muddled when we decide we know what's best and forget that this is not home.

Anyhow, I think in the end, great conversation, but man, if I were Mr. Steve I'd be rethinking that curriculum! Heavy stuff indeed!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Yup, that's what the warm weather brought to us, wasps and TONS of them. All flying around the backyard. Lovely. We sprayed their hideouts last night, so hopefully we'll see an improvement today. Yuck.

Thankfully the front yard still seems wasp free, but we shall see.

Otherwise we're off to enjoy another beautiful, beautiful day!

Monday, April 07, 2008


Ahhhh, it's here! And its BEAUTIFUL, at least for a few days. The weather is stunning and we will be outside for most of it! Yesterday was filled full of bike riding, basketball and baseball for Cam. A nap, dancing, sand, swinging, chalk and bubbles for Em. For me: cleaning the van, ahhhhh so much better now and trying to do some yard work, yuck. Stu: biking with Cam, basketball with Cam, taxes, grilling out, baseball and a little bit of star wars.

Beautiful day!

Now lets see what today brings!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Nora's Suggestion

Nora overheard me say something yesterday while we were on the phone:
"Don't hit your sister with the whale"
She said I should write these the weirdest thing I said yesterday was, "don't hit your sister with the whale" in reference to the new stuffed animal shamu, which Em insists on calling Baby Shampoo. LOVE THAT.

Today's statement, "That's an interesting place to put that". Now while I know the statement isn't so funny this part is:
The statement was in reference to the pull up laying in the hallway with a partially sucked cough drop laying nicely in the middle of it. That's what she thought of it, skip the whole digestive process and put this where it goes! She said to me, "I, I, I, I put it there." That's what 5 minutes unattended does.