Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Visitin' Friends

Being the crazy people we are, we loaded up the van, stuck Stu in the back with his leg and went to visit the Clarks in Indy.
Here's Cam and his buddy Julia (its luuuuvvvv - okay, maybe not, but they play together SO well. We didn't hear a peep from them all day, they were too busy playin' dress-up and ALL kinds of pretend games. So fun to see/hear their imaginations going at full speed).
AND TO THE CLARKS...WE MISS YOU! ugg. you think you're doing fine and then you visit.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The INSIDE scoop

So there's the x-ray. Pretty cool looking.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Pics and Thank Yous

First, THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE HELPED US THIS WEEK (and I'm sure the weeks to come). Its amazing to me the way God works thru stuff. I mean LITTLE stuff has just come together just right and made this hectic week of surgery a breeze for our family. It certainly makes you appreciate good health. I mean, it IS just a leg after all (I'm sure Stu may have more to say on that, but oh well.) BUT, again thanks to ALL who have helped out, childcare, visits, etc...it means so much.

Currently its a napping house, so I can type. Here's the update on the patient. He's home, doing great. Just on Ibuprofen right now, has stronger stuff if needed. He's on crutches and will be for at least two weeks. Can't drive, but otherwise is doing well. Thinking of taking up biking instead.... I'm sure he won't appreciate the photos, but he knew they were coming. I really want to get the xray on here, its SO cool.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Year, New Fun

So, the story begins with Stu deciding to play hockey and ends with a visit in the hospital.

That's right, Stuart's rookie season was cut VERY shot by a broken leg. Surgery was today. All went well, one plate; ten screws. Ugg.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures up of the event, when I have the time. Have to document the yuck times as well. Anyhow, keep him in your prayers as he recovers (it'll be a long one).


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


the jersey Cousin Kendall and Emmy having a moment of silliness
Cam and Emmy cracking up Granny

open present nothing, this thing you call a Candy Cane is the way to go Em LOVED the Chipmunks and entertained us with all kinds of dancing. Uncle Dennis enjoyed the chipmunks as well, just no dancing on his part.

LOVE at first sight (Hi, I'm Lilly and you can count with me...we know the song by now)

Christmas Morning

Santa's stash to Cam (note the balloon!)
Emmy's haul...
Cam's stocking opening...
Billy Blazes, so proud...

And more Christmas fun...

Stu and Cam went to a Tampa Bay Lightening/ NY RANGERS game (some kind hearted person from 1st Christian Clearwater got them two tickets, so NICE). So here Cam is enjoying the game into the wee hours
Christmas Eve, all dressed up

A few more beach pics...

too cute

Boys will be Boys

so, here's Cam doing what he loves best, throwing... digging...
being wet...

Okay, this is the money shot: and finally he pulled Daddy out into this whole mess...

One more Sandcastle


Cam and I went to FL alone about 1 1/2 years ago (he was only 2 and Em was on the way), anyhow we learned to make Drip Castles. So here we are (or here I am) making the castles and enjoying the sun

The Beach continues...Emery's bird spotting saga

Spot Bird... Watch Bird...
Gonna GET that Bird...

Christmas...Florida Style

Em's first REAL down in the sand experience and its so good

Cool dude

Life is SO GOOD in the sand...
We headed down to Clearwater for Christmas this year. It was wonderful, sun, family, the beach...what more could you ask for. So, I'm going to start with the beach and I'm going to post about nine thousand photos. They speak for themselves...sun, sand, water...its all a good thing, at least the Cam and Emmy. Emery LOVED the sand. Cam got in the water!!! Cold or not, he was IN!

Pre-Christmas Gingerbread Houses

Thanks to Amanda and Erin we DO participate in SOME traditions. Their kids had made gingerbread houses in preschool, so they decided to replicate the fun at the Jones home. Here are Sean, Kade, Aleah, Cam and Em enjoying the festivities. Cam really got into this!!! (also, he's dressed as a prince because Aleah is over...hence they play prince and princess)