Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dressing up

Cam and Em dressed up one night, cracked me up. Cam was superman (not pictured), Emmy donned Cam's HUGE Bear Costume and had a bit of trouble staying up on her feet. Still CUTE!

Cam's 5!!!

We didn't get any photos of the party...we video'd a little, but mainly we were running around having fun. The party was craziness! We had kids meet up at home depot to do the project there and then head over to church. At church the kids RAN in the gym, had pizza, cake (diego cake, decorated by STUART!!! Wish I had a photo...thought I did, oh well) and then presents. Cam invited some boys from church and school and it ended up being a lot of boys!! I think 11 or so.

Needless to say it was a bit overwhelming for Cam, but still fun. And the parents have sworn off the party for next year!

Here's a picture of Cam opening a present from Granny...the jaguar from Diego, this has proven more fun to Emmy :)


We trick-or-treated on our street this year. Just us, our family...kinda nice and laid back. We met all the neighbors we'd met before on our trip around collecting canned goods. But we added a few houses and met some more lovely folks. We love our street, everyone is SO nice. There's even another set of Joneses! How fun! We got tons of candy, chatted and laughed and chased some kittens Emmy really wanted to pet. A lovely evening all in all and the weather...ahhhhhh, you Rockford folks, sorry!

Oh, and the kids...Cam was Diego of GO DIEGO GO fame. And Emmy...she was a princess, but it took some serious convincing to put ANY of the princess costumes she owns on...this was the one we landed on...Belle.

The local Pumpkin Patch

Leann and I hit the pumpkin patch and got some pictures, but really nothing much to do but see pumpkins.

Late Happy Thanksgiving

As our thanksgiving treat...a blog UPDATE! With pictures to follow. First, a relaxing Thanksgiving at G-mom and G-dads that included no cooking on momma's part (because really, we know better) and shopping on daddy's part on friday. Perfect. We laid around, played, ate, relaxed and laughed at and with the kids.

While there, Emmy made up a joke. We're deep into Knock, knock jokes right now. Here's how it went down.

From the back carseat comes Emmy, "Knock, Knock"
me, without turning around, "who's there?"
Emmy, "Buggie"
I turn around and her finger's completely up her nose and Cam is dying laughing...we all lose it and she then repeats the joke with "finger" for us many times...never got old!

Today Stuart got the outside of the house Christmas-y, and as we were pulling out in the van together I commented that it was beautiful. Cam replied, "Its pleasant". Again we all cracked up laughing. He said it so grown up, then grinned big and giggled. VERY FUNNY!!! Great timing on it, funny as can be.

Coming up October/Nov. Pictures...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Emery, she's a laugh a minute

Last night Emmy played the babysitter. Yup, she was still up at 10:30, perky and cute.

The run down, she was put to bed at 8:30.
She got up, went in Cam's room off and on for an hour and said, "HI" to him numerous times.
Then she got up and came downstairs where she told the babysitter, when asked why she was up,
"I forgot sum-um."

What did you forget?

Wheels visibly turning in her head, "ummmm, 'night?"

Goodnight Emmy


And up the stairs she popped to her bed.

Ohhhhhh, she is trouble. Cute as a button, but trouble.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tomorrow he's 5

Its hard to believe that little boy is getting so big, and yet.... Tomorrow is the official day, he's 5. No question either.

What are we doing tonight?
Well, he decided to practice being nocturnal. Yup, threw a hissy fit at bed. Soooo, the solution: thanks to the Creative Correction book Cam is decidedly UP.

He is STANDING in the hall. That's it. He said he wanted to be up, so up he is.

I feel really mean, but at the same time I was so glad to have read that book and have an idea of what to do without killing him. I'm calm, he's spanking (which really, he's 5 and right before bed...just gonna be awful).

So, now the waiting game. So far he's gone 15 mins...standing there. My bet is on about 30 mins, then he'll want to at least play in bed, with all those stuffed animals? Who wouldn't?

And so, there you have it, he broke (20 mins):

"Mom, I need a place to sit"
"Oh, no - its either you're up - standing there, or you're in bed. You are more than welcome to sit in your bed."
"But its dark"
"You have a nightlight"
"okay. Can you tuck me in"
"Sure can!" - little bit of love and a prayer time...he's off to sleepy land.

And we're off...welcome 5. Lord give me strength and wisdom for the year to come, I know its still easier than the teens.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Around the Table

I need to post a funny that Emmy has. It happens, generally, around the dinner table (breakfast, lunch too). Its a game of, "You Tun". That's right, Your Turn. Here's how it goes:

Emmy will come up with a cute saying, such as "WHOOOOOO" or "Heave, Ho!" she will say the saying in a loud, enthusiastic voice and then say, "You Tun" to everyone in sucession at the table. This game also applies at large gatherings where she will turn a somersalt and then demand that the next person do "you tun".

Its a fun, funny game. And its really hard to turn her down when she looks at you so expectantly for your turn. Therefore, our dinner times right now are lots of "HEAVE, HO!" and "WHOOOOO" with a bunch of giggles inbetween.

She is a funny, funny girl.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Can we practice being nocturnal at home?

This was the question Cam came up with today. Pretty much loved it.

It's been craziness...trick-or-treat, birthday party, sick, potty-training-ish...

I have more pictures to post in the days to come, but this question had to be shared immediately.

Can we practice being nocturnal at home???? Ha!