Monday, March 31, 2008

The Cutest Boy

Dressing Up

This was Em's pick from Cam's closet...nice, swim trunks and a sweater. She's got a certain style. Ragamuffin.

Easter Picture

Pretty Girl and Handsome Boy

Well okay, the picture with the tongue out...well, what can I say, its Em's new "pose", lovely.

Diving easter eggs

All week long Cam looked forward to "Diving" the eggs...didn't have the heart to correct him, but when it did come up that it was DYEING, he wanted to know why we would kill them...sooooo DIVING it is!

G-mom was here (thank goodness) so things were controlled and no one spilled or drank the dye. I was fully expecting Em to drink some or at least lick a wet egg.

The eggs turned out fantastic!

Church Egg Hunt/Play Day

Emmy LOVED the Easter Bunny! And they both LOVED the big slide inflatable. I wasn't too up for Em doing the big slide, but when things cleared out a bit she finally got her way, up she went and down she slid! Cam had a fabulous time doing all the inflatables, it was basically like Blazers at church! FUN! And there were donuts, so I was happy too!

School Egg Hunt

Cam's egg hunt at school was SO fun! Although Cam admitted why he wanted to invite Sissy, "Cause then I wouldn't have to share to her any of my candy" loving hu?

We had a snack of YUMMY cake and then hunted for our eggs and then a story and goodbye. Perfect! Em had a great time, she followed Camden around and was a nice interrupting force during the story, lovely.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Burp or Toot

Em's not feeling up to par, and currently she's laying in her daddy's lap. And she's TOOTING on him!!!

So Daddy says, "Was that a toot?"

Emmy, "No, it was a burp"

Another toot...

Daddy, "Was THAT a burp?"

Emmy, giggling, "Yup!"

Its late, and I'm finding it humorous...but also hoping the medication will kick in and she'll be back to sleep in no time!

(cam's egg hunt was at school tomorrow...)

March Madness and SKYPE

Thanks to John and Lisa for SKYPE-ing (hee hee...verb) and setting me straight on the new updates to blogger. I can now easily add my links! (I hadn't updated to the new blogger...I'm so behind the times, I'm SO not cutting edge).

Anyhow, I have a new link: John and Lisa
These are friends from LONG ago in a land, well south. Anyhow, check out their site and see the wonderful things in the works for their family. They are missionaries on the path to Paraguay (hoping I spelled it right). Learning the language and having God increase the urgency in their hearts for the people there. I'm so proud of their move...following God with all they have...awesome!

So, enjoy my new LINK and the new look to the LINKS! And, thank you John for finding us...again!


March...Madness...oh yes.

We're watching the games and hoping our picks are right!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There was a baby snake sunning itself in our backyard yesterday.

I got a stick and poked it, Em thought it was "cute" and Cam, though interested, was quite timid.

I was HATING IT, but knew they should see it while it was small and alive (if I see it when its a grown up the thing is DEAD, shovel, hoe whatever it takes)

Then I got the thing on my stick and flung it as far into the woods as possible. (this was the part Cam thought was the absolute coolest thing I've ever done)

New rule, do NOT go into the woods without mom or, preferably dad, and make sure you've got some good shoes on and a BIG stick.

Yuck. Snakes. Seriously.

Monday, March 17, 2008

One more Zoo Picture


When we got back on Thurs from the zoo, these were waiting for us. Emmy carried around the PINKS for an hour outside and Cam smelled them and he took all the pictures you see here. Thanks Stuart!!! We LOVE, well I LOVE, the flowers. What a great guy!

Friday, March 14, 2008

First Zoo Trip of the year

We were supposed to play with friends after school, but both kids were very crabby. I was on the way to take them home to nap and thought...its beautiful out, how about the zoo? (I had thought it earlier, but when I saw how crabby cam was, I wasn't sure)

Anyhow, we had a wonderful time, just me and the kids. Cam was super interested in all the animals, LOVED the tigers and even got to touch tiger fur that one of the zoo workers had out to feel. He loved the snakes, ugg and the white crocodile. He was pretty pumped about the jaguar too (I was just amazed about how much he knew about animals from

Em's favorites were the Giraffes that got a drink of water while we were standing there, really cool to see the tounge. And she loved the camel, "He's happy, look he's smiling" and the camel DID look like it was smiling.

We had fun guessing what the animals were thinking as we looked at them, Cam was sure the lions just wanted us to go away so they could nap in peace. Oh, and the baby Elephant...on year old this month...SO cute!

All in all, fantastic 70 degree (yup, 70) day with sun on our faces! AND a ride on the carousel!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Official Review of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson


I sat up until 1 am finishing this off. Trying to get the review in at the appointed time and, well, really I just wanted to know what happened and NOW I cannot wait until the next installment.

Initially I thought this would be a C.S. Lewis comparison or even a J.K. Rowling comparision, but its not. Not at all. I have to say this should be in a category of its own. The closest comparison I can come up with is Lord of the Rings-ish with a HUGE dose of humor infused. I say LOTRs simply because of the following: the land of Aerwiar is so clearly described its as if it really exists (much like Tolkien was able to create, but here's hoping that Andrew does NOT create his own language, that's a bit too much); its a fantasy, but a fantasy that kids will enjoy, a more well rounded fantasy world than a space setting kind of thing; and Andrew's characters are clearly defined here as good and evil. Thus ends my comparison to other writers and books....

Andrew has the weirdest sense of humor and its scattered thru the book in footnotes. The footnotes are essentially laugh out loud moments in the midst of the adventure. It gives the reader a break from either an intense moment or a largely descriptive set. I loved this technique. (I read these footnotes to myself when I was reading the first part of the book out loud to Cam, its too far above his little 5 year old head.) Anyhow, the humor that's scattered throughout Edge creates a fun read out of an otherwise action packed read.

The characters:
3 Kids (Janner-oldest boy; Tink-middle boy; Leeli-youngest, girl)
Mom (Nia)
Grandpa (Podo)

The protagonist is Janner. You easily will identify with this young man, though he is set in a fictional land with strange creatures, his internal struggles are ones that we have, more than likely, experienced. The grandpa adds a bit of whimsy and adventure to the tale and is often a source of humor and fun. Mom, Nia, is the voice of wisdom. Many of the quotable parts of Edge are from Nia. Tink and Leeli - they add the trouble, without meaning too!

All in all, Edge was an extremely enjoyable read. Full of good adventure, battles, unexpected heros, villains, secrets, treasure and a brief scene with Dragons. I'd highly recommend this book to adults and children alike. There is nothing too scary for kids (I'd say at least 5 and up, 8 year olds would have a better understanding...) and its really fun for the adults!

THANKS!!! I'm DONE... And remember ANDREW PETERSON...On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness.

LINK TO BUY: (not that I'm pushing anything at all....)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The book arrived!!!! Cam and I are 27 pages in...I'm 60 pages in. He read with me awhile then did alone time in his room for about 20mins while I read alone...bliss! We were curled up in a chair in a patch of sunlight while Em napped, beautiful.

The book so far, I'm laughing outloud, not wanting to finish housework or kid stuff, intrigued! Great writing, great details, funny, funny, funny and your older kids will love it. Cam's a little over his head with it, but still enjoying it. There are dragons...

Soooo, stay tuned for further details, but so far On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson is going to be a must read for families! (and I have a copy to give away...)

Monday, March 10, 2008


So, today Cam and I are sitting on the couch talking:

Cam - "mom, what's 2 plus 2?"

me -4, um what's 4 plus 3

Cam - ummmm, 7

me - did you know that? or did you figure it out?

Cam - I did it in my head

Me - have you done addition in school?

Cam - what's addition?

Me - let me show you on paper what I mean

We then proceeded to write out math problems and he worked them all. Showed him the 9's trick, and he understood it. I was SO impressed, my mind SO does not work this way...

WALKING~ahhhh spring?

Cam keeps saying, "its being a Lion outside Mom, its definitely March"

Well, the Lion became Lamb today, balmy and 50? Wow. Very lovely. We actually got our for a walk tonight after dinner. It was great kicking the leftover snow around and "going faster and faster" (Emmy) down the hill.

The best part of the evening was Emmy saying, "I wanna get that chicken!" and then running her Emmy run to get over to the ... ROBIN! Then she said, "chicken, chicken, bock bock!"

Cam played soccer with the snow chunks and tried to not be tired. He's not understanding why its still light out, and why he's so tired.

Oh, we had no school today? Anyhow the county schools were on a one hour delay due to the melting snow (!!!) and Cam ended up not having preschool. It was a great day for it to happen though, we had MOPS so he still got to play and ended up having a great time. He's all concerned that there be school tomorrow though, he's supposed to go bowling.

List for Trisha (yes I don't know stalking, CFHUSBAND thing...)

Things to look forward to with your little one:

1. Going outside for a walk and have her chase a "chicken" aka robin.
2. Having her pee her pants, but clean up after herself by taking everything off and placing it in the kitchen sink, lovely
3. Having your son poop at 3am all over the WALL???? (he was about 3 mons old and it SHOT everywhere during a diaper change)
4. Pee in your eye (my husband got this one)
5. Hugs and very wet kisses
6. Questions, why why why
7. Your curious 2 year old boy (or girl in your case) informing someone that his apple is oxidizing when its turning brown, only to having him NOT know what oxidation is at 5 years old...information in, information out
8. Singing together
9. Dancing together
10. wrestling
11. praying together
12. Dinner times, these are FUN: burps, stories, "I don't like this", CHOCK-IT!! (chocolate)
13. Watching your hubby be a dad, and trying your best to be a momma.
14. Reading of my favs. We have a big beanbag...lovely.

So, there you go. Enjoy! Its a ride and I hope your new lungs get to you soon so you can be on the way to enjoying even more things and I'm sure you already have your list started! The baby stage is so short...enjoy enjoy enjoy

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Sledding, snowballing, laughing...

we're all TIRED, I'm sore (walking up the hill pulling Em...), we all will sleep well tonight!~


There's about 12 - 14 inches on the ground. OH MY. What did we bring with us????

Its still coming down. Its beautiful, but wow, its a lot!

Anyhow, thank you God for the beauty, and for the warmer temps around the corner to melt it all :)

Friday, March 07, 2008


We got SNOW, serious snow!!!

The kids have had a blast out in it! Emmy's been a trooper, eating snow, sledding, building, everything. She's just trying to keep up with her brother. And Cam...sled sled sled sled. I think we've been out in it about 4 hours total, 3 different times. The last one Daddy got to join in on the fun, serious sledding...we just have to watch out for trees

More jumping and such

One more

She's giving me THE LOOK...Funny girl

More pics, having trouble uploading...

Trying to do a Photo shoot with Em...HA

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Check out this Blog

I LOVED the jewelry...her blogs amazing too, but the jewelry...ahhhh
Anyhow, shameless advertising by me...

(next will be a BOOK REVIEW, I'm totally excited about doing that!!!- supposed to receive the book in the next week, then I read FAST and post a new career :))

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Emmy Outside

Emmy did sidewalk chalk, roller skated, sworded/lightsabered with Cameren, ran around yesterday. It was BIG fun and lovely sunshine.

Daddy's team

Stu got the kids tattoos from IU when he went to the game. So, here's Emmy sporting hers. She tells people, "Its Daddy's team" and couldn't make him happier!

Other Buddy

Then Cameren came over this week and they played OUTSIDE! We're going to miss him when he moves, ugg. Its the price of friendship, you never know when someone will move. But slowly we are going to end up with friends all over the world. So far he's got buddies in: Minnesota, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Washington. Pretty amazing for a 5 year old boy!?!

Monday, March 03, 2008


Now that we've been better Cam's had a few buddies over to play. First Ben. They played Wii until they could no longer stand. Then they did legos, jumped on the mattress in Cam's room and so on. All I know is they had a big time and I got some laundry done!

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Did you see the snow pictures?

Cause today is Sunny and 70!!!