Saturday, September 16, 2006

Anderson Gardens with the Kiddos

So, Stuart went off on his Men's retreat and the kiddo's and I tried a few things. First, we had a serious game of baseball in the backyard. Quickly followed by the knowledge that I cannot start a roastin' marshmallows fire to save my life! Today we headed to Anderson Gardens! Its so amazing there. You really feel like you're not anywhere NEAR home, nice!! Cam got stung by some manical bee. Seriously, Cam was just standing there and this bee flew by, barely brushed up against his leg and STUNG MY BOY! So, off to the office for some quick first aid, then the brave boy chose to continue on (he wanted to hike). So we saw the Koi fish and "hiked" all over. Beautiful, beautiful day!! Thanks God!

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