Thursday, May 03, 2007

Cam's JOY (s)

Its a star wars ship, with the Incredible Hulk playing the part of Luke, so the ship must be an x-wing (I'm SUCH a nerd). He's SO proud!
Swinging...what could be better and by the way he's already outgrown these shoes...on to Colton they go! And yup, can you believe, riding a two wheeler! He saw a friend with the training wheels off and that was it! He had to do it too. So we took them off, he had me help him (run beside) for one evening, then he got sick of waiting for me to help him get started, so he tried alone. Seriously, he learning in ONE night, maybe two hours. Now we're off down the street on walks. He even did the big hill in the neighborhood! No falls to speak of folks, its pure summertime magic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what happened to me with my training wheels!!
My best friend had hers off so I had to do it too. Except I was A LOT older. I'm impressed he can do that already.
~Jasmine Klein