Saturday, September 15, 2007


So, Cam starts talking to me. You kinda never know what the talk it going to be with him. He likes to talk, all the time it seems, but its slowed considerably. He's especially NOT into giving you any information about what he's feeling, but the other day the light was green, we were alone, a snack was involved and the floodgates opened:

Cam: Momma?
Me: Yup?
Cam: I was nervous of this house. (don't you just love the term NERVOUS OF?- great one)
Me: You were?
Cam: Yeah, I was nervous of moving to this house and I was nervous of coming here.
Me: Me too. I was nervous of this house and moving too. Now what do you think?
Cam: I'm not nervous of the house anymore, I like it a lot better. And I like my new friends at church and school, and down the road, but I still really miss my Rockford friends a lot.
Me: Me too. I'm enjoying making new friends, but I miss our old ones a lot too.
Cam: Yeah, do you think our friends from up there would move here? They'd really like it here, they'd like my new friends.
Me: Well, I doubt they could all move here, but you know something really neat?
Cam (sensing the TEACHABLE MOMENT music in the background, says with little enthusiasm): What?
Me: When we get to heaven both of those sets of friends will be there, your new friends and our friends from Rockford. AND we'll all get to be with Jesus at the same time! All your friends and Jesus, don't you think that will be the best?
Cam (who understands the death concept, to a large degree): It sounds really good, but I don't want to go there yet.

Love it. I do love the fact that he wants so badly to have all his friends know each other. He's trying so hard to remember his old friends and make room in his heart for new ones. You can see the struggle with balance beginning. Old versus new, more versus few..what should he like better. Hopefully we've given him the space and permission to be sad about not being near his old friends, while still adding the right amount of encouragement to make new friends. I think he's coming along at his own pace quite nicely. He's a really neat kiddo, ofcourse I'm biased completely...but it is nice to enjoy your kid and not just be "parenting" all the time.

He also helped me do some serious yard work while Emmy napped. We had so much fun and I learned about a "Blader" that would've apparently sped our work time up considerably. A Blader is, "really sharp, but it has a strap that wraps around your wrist so you can't cut yourself and it cuts down trees all in one hit" - I think I need me one of those!


agmwilliams said...

He's a great kiddo!

Anonymous said...

WE MISS YOU ALL!! Olivia still prays for you guys every night....just know you're all in our prayers, even the little ones...

Love you guys!