The kiddos and I busted it up to Rockford the first weekend of October to close on the old house and VISIT! (I'm STILL recovering from all the fun!)
We got in to town on the 4th, spent the night at the Hannas and then hit it Friday. We went up to the old house to walk thru one last time. We all did great. Cam actually said he likes his new home better, and so did I (miracle). Then Gail watched the kids and Patty and I closed. YEA! I felt as if the world rolled off my shoulders! I called Stuart right after and told him to buy a new TV before I got home and changed my mind!
Then Cam and I visited Aleah (and Amanda), Cam went on a date night with Emmett and Eli (Miss Gail too), visited neighbors, visited Colton, Corrine (oh, and Kari!!!), went to church at Northeast, did our Sunday night Harps, then hit EDWARDS, visited Miss Bonnie!!!!! It was AWESOME to see almost everyone (we still missed folks...that is the way it goes I suppose). Anyhow, we have a marvelous time with friends. We miss everyone so much.
Then we left, I hit IKEA on the way out (because I'm and the two kids without a lot of sleep under our belts...) it was a time. We survived. Then we got to visit Julia (Lindsay too). Cam had a fabulous time, as did Emmy with all the girly stuff around. This is where Em's hair was first put into "BOW HAIRS" ...this is what she calls anything put into her hair.
Anyhow here are some pics
OH...the horse ride at edwards...priceless. Emmy kept saying HI to everyone we passed that she knew and she chanted, "Leah ride-a da hosey, Cam ride-a da hosey, I RIDE-A DA HOSEY!!!" And not to be soon forgotten, Cam got hand sanitizer blown into his eye by the wind, we poured a bottle of water all over him and he then got his most expensive piece of clothing I've ever bought him...a t-shirt. He was SOAKED!
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