Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Book Review #2 and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Book: Fatal Deduction

Author: Gayle Roper

Summary: Libby Burton longs to be close to her twin sister, Tori, but their lives have taken them in different directions. Forced to share Aunt Stella’s old Philadelphia home in order to receive their inheritance, Libby hopes for a change, but it isn’t looking good so far.

First, Tori tries to steal the affection and allegiance of Libby’s thirteen-year-old daughter, Chloe. Then when a crossword puzzle with a hidden warning shows up on their doorstep, Tori refuses to take it seriously—in spite of the dead man who delivers it.

Libby finds comfort in neighbor Drew Canfield, but he hesitates to trust her after his disastrous marriage. As Libby struggles to act faithfully in the midst of these confusing relationships, she must also deal with a stolen diamond and a botched kidnapping. The answer to her problems lies in the riddles of the crosswords, if only she can solve the puzzle before it’s too late.

The above is a cut and paste of what the book is about...now for the review:
First, I liked this book and I'm not a big mystery person. It was enough suspense mixed in with a really good story to keep me interested. There's a little romance for us chickies and yet enough adventure that your hubby COULD pick this up and not throw up :) The main way for me to tell I liked a book: I ignored the kids until I was done reading it and I stayed up later than normal trying to finish! That's a good sign! The only problem I had was following the switch between narration and first person that Gayle Roper used. It was not as effective for me, but you may not have any trouble with the switches.

ANYHOW, you want to receive your free copy???? Send me a comment and I'll randomly choose from the comments :)


Nora said...

I feel I should have it because my niece is named Stella :).

Seriously, thanks for the review because as little as I get to read, and keep up on what's good, I really like friend recommendations and would be much more apt to buy something if someone I knew liked it.

Sounds like a good read...

Tammy said...

Well, I'd love to win your contest, as I'm a huge mystery lover. :)

Tammy said...

Okay, did you pick a winner from these (2) comments? :)

JonesFam4 said...

Okay, here's the deal. I have my copy and a copy to give away. MY copy is on loan, so when it gets back I'll ship it off (which means Tammy, you have a LONG wait ahead of you) and Nora the other copy will go your way...so you BOTH win. That's the beauty of two readers of my blog, that I don't update anyway...oh someday...