Saturday, September 27, 2008

no pics, but updates anywho

Okay, so I'm still slow on the pictures. Our camera is just catching much these days, due to me misplacing it for a while.... But its back in action, only to have misplaced the card reader, AGAIN.

Anyhow...lovely day!
We are SO loving our Saturdays...just us, family, hanging out!

We all slept in (praise God) and then headed out to hit a garage sale or two, for no apparent reason. Cam scored some great Cincinnati Reds Jerseys for CHEAP and was thrilled!

Then off to a school playground to run, climb, laugh and swing
Stopped by a friends house
Home to watch the TREE (so dead) felled in the front yard! WAY COOL! We had a blast helping clean it up and watching the stump grinder in action.

To top it off: hotdogs over the open flame on the deck~

Wonderful day, and Emmy enjoyed the entire day in her cat costume. Oh, that girl. :)

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