Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day? Are you sure?

The schools here were delayed today, so Cam's preschool was cancelled. We didn't know, trust me there was not enough snow to hardly wet the ground, but I do appreciate nice surprises!

Stu took Cam to school and then called to tell me the news. One of Cam's buddy's was there too, so they were all playing in the gym. I hopped up, got "dressed" and went to work out at church while the kids ran and played. Perfect!

Then we went up to the church library and read for an hour or so, then ready to leave right? Well, we got invited to stay for the Young At Heart lunch. (Keep in mind, I'm sweaty and gross, the kids have been running in the gym for hours so they're not too lovely either). Well, we went and WHAT FUN!!!! It was musically themed, so we got to join in on the good old yell out your hymn number and we'll sing festivities. Cam was loving following along in the hymn book and Em, well...what can I say. They were sooo kind, we sang Jesus Loves Me and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as per her requests. She just stood in awe as everyone sang and drank it in!

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