Friday, January 11, 2008

RIP Edwards

I cannot believe that a tornado hit Edwards Apple Orchard. Thanks to Miss Bonnie, calling and letting me know...tear. And for Bob hitting the blog with the news. I just figure God is systematically taking things I'd miss away :)...First Lins, Erin, Amanda and now EDWARDS?????? Sooo, this means WATCH OUT for those of you left, don't get caught out in a storm right now. I'm on a roll :).

But, on the positive side, it really sounds like they are depending on others to help, church, community etc... and maybe it'll be a great way to bring folks together. We're still sad.


Cam DOES NOT want to be back in school. He announced to me that he, "Loves a boring day". This means he likes sleeping "in" (not really late, but 8) and doing whatever he chooses. He is truly a boy after my own heart.

Emmy is in big girl undies. She doesn't like to tell me when she needs to go, she likes for me to guess. She also (very helpful) goes into the bathroom and stands in front of the potty and poops in her pants. This has happened twice this week. I mean, seriously she talks ALL THE TIME, couldn't she just say, "I need to poop"???? BUT, what fun would that be? She is doing amazingly well at the whole thing. Really staying dry about 80% of the time and no real problems. I'm just thinking if your already in the bathroom, why not actually GET ON THE POTTY?

We love playing the Wii. I'm sore from boxing. I can't play tennis. Cam kicks my butt on every game. But, we laugh our heads off and have a great time. Plus Emmy likes to dance to the music.

Cam tried to make a Mii character for Jesus. He told me he just couldn't get it right, it didn't look like him. - How great is that?

We also had the breakdown recently when he found out about Satan. UGG. It was in the Bible story we were reading. And that led to a whole conversation and tears...needless to say, much prayers and we seem to be okay. Still VERY traumatic. I just didn't know how to 'splain it well. So, I prayed hard right then and there and then Daddy came in and helped out. Cam's got a rather tender heart, hoping it stays that way. So much for my spiritual training.

I got to run up and visit a friend in Cinti, actually northern KY last week. My parents watched the kids and gave me the free time. AWESOME. I'm SO grateful for living here, I have missed being this close to Denise (friends from about 5th grade) and its a treat. Also, we got together with Tom and Beth too, friends from Stu's first ministry. I have to say, its a bit like coming home. I imagine that any reunion with old friends is that way, but its been particularly sweet to have them close again. Its the icing on the cake to this move. It has NOT been easy to move from our friends in Rockford, NOT at all, but it really did help to have some old friends so close now, three hours compared to 10 is NOTHING, and Louisville...hop skip jump, and Lexington, grandparents, well you just can't beat that, the kids are digging that so much, now if we can just move Stu's family :).

yack yack, pictures next time.
happy new year...I'm trying to cook at home and exercise(not simultainiously)...we'll see how long this lasts, I predict 3 weeks!

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