Monday, August 04, 2008

Kindergarten begins.

It starts tomorrow.
Bright and early.

We are NOT excited.
I am nervous.
HE is nervous.

But, the beautiful...
...tears tonight at bedtime led to a wonderful snuggle, a heart to heart chat and a serious prayer time with my boy.

It hurts this letting go.

And this is the tip of the iceberg.

So, I will pray.

God made him.
He belongs to God anyhow.
I will pray and TELL God to take care of my little boy.
God will smile and say, "I know, I know"

He will give me a peace. A peace that surpasses any understanding I have.
And kindergarten will begin. And kindergarten will end.
And so will jr. high, high school, college, etc.... And someday life here will end.

I know I sound morbid, and like I'm reading WAY too much into all this.

But here's the thing...all these beginnings lead to endings.
And there is one big ending here.
And then there is an amazing beginning...
and then there will be NO letting go...and that is a beautiful thing.

So selfishly I'm having to think a bit long term :)

Meanwhile, tomorrow awaits my boy. And it WILL be wonderful and exciting! Doors will open to him, he will learn things, meet friends and love more!


Nora said...

Thanks, I hadn't cried yet today :). You're not reading too much in to it.. it's a HUGE deal and it sounds like you handled it well. Cam won't necessarily remember why he was so nervous, but he will remember how you loved him and prayed with him and made him feel better.

TheBurnsGirls said...

How did the waking up part go?