Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let's go Fly A Kite on TAX DAY, uggggggg

Beautiful day...
...played outside after school and ate our lunch out!

Then we got the call from Nora to go the the park and fly kites!

Cam and Daniel ran and ran and ran (beautiful!)
Em and Bethany climbed, slid, dug in the sand, ran and Bethany flew her kite (quite well!)

They were all dirty, tired, and summertime smelly...beautiful!!!

Then we pushed it to the edge with impromptu dinner (baskin robbins is very strict on their dollar scoop hours, so we had to do dinner first!) and then dollar scoop night. Em barely ate her strawberry ice cream and pushed Bethany's frayed little buttons by trying to eat HER ice cream.

So, the end was not as pretty as the beginning, but still SO fun, and I do believe the boys are going to "hang out" sometime. Its nice to have an older kid think you're alright, it gives Cam such a boost. He's always had some older buddies (Harps, Austin) and this has continued nicely here. I just love that God has provided friendships for my little boy, that's some serious icing on the cake.

Now we shall see what tomorrow brings...oh the plumber (leak under the kitchen sink...and taxes (did I mention that?))

1 comment:

Nora said...

I will send you the pics via snapfish in a little bit... the pics I took of Emery using the fast shutter thingy on my camera are.... interesting. I'll have to read about that more to fully understand how and why you would use that.

Hope the plumber worked out well...