Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Out on the Town with my Little Boy

I love being able to spend time with the kids, but I especially like getting alone time with Cam. Its kinda rare. Sissy's always around and we just don't have a lot of just mom and Cam. But tonight, well I had a few errands to run, no school tomorrow so he went with. Before we were even out of the garage he reminded me why I enjoy him so much, he's sweet.

He was sitting in the back seat of the car waiting for me (I was, ofcourse, trying to find my keys) when he heard sirens. He opens the door and yells, "Momma, I think we need to pray." (yup, we do when we hear sirens) anyhow, I said, "Yup, we do why don't you go ahead"

Here's the conversation roughly,
"God, um, we hear those sirens so we know it could be an ambulance or a fire truck. So please help the person that might be hurt or the people who's house might be burning down. Help them not hurt or help the firemen to put out the fire. And if its a hurt person please help the ambulance people to know how to help. Thanks, um amen"

Gotta love the kid. He also scored big when he informed me that he still hadn't bought sissy a Christmas gift. So, we ditched a few of the planned errands and looked for her a gift. It was beautiful, he really didn't look for himself at all, he looked for what he thought she would love. AND BOY DID WE LOOK!!! We were looking at princess stuff and he said, she got a lot of that for her birthday. I suggested a stuffed animal. Cam's face lit up, "sissy LOVES dogs, especially poodles. OH MAN, she'd LOVE a PINK poodle, not a real one Momma, a stuffed one" And low and behold, we found the pink poodle (3 stores, 1 hour and a few silent prayers later.) He wants to give it to her tomorrow, he's so excited about his perfect gift. I'm really loving his heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a fine young man!! We are so proud of you. I love it that you are so concerned about other people and so thoughtful of Emmi. I know she'll love her Christmas gift!
I love you!