Today's the day we lose baby, enter toddlerhood and all its glory and BOY did we do it in style!
G-dad and G-mom drove over to open presents and have some cupcakes. Tonight there's a Christmas party we're going to for the worship team and I've weaseled my way (surprise surprise) into making part of it a sing happy birthday to Emmy so I don't have to do anything, party. Therefore, I made the cake...and let me assure you I have no designs on going PRO in this area, I'd LOVE to say most of the cake was Camden's handywork, but alas 'tis mine. However, Cam will do a great job telling Emmy how beautiful the cake is and we will NOT dissuade her in anyway of this opinion!
Em's birthday was PRINCESS themed to a fault! Cam picked out a "pincess" (the way em says it) blanket for her bed (she actually asked to take a nap today because it was on the bed), Emmy LOVED it. She got an Ariel doll from mom and dad! A pincess backpack, sunglasses and hat from g-mom and g-dad, plus a Diego doll all of her own (there's been MUCH coveting since Cam got one at his party). Granny and Poppa spoiled her with the magnetic wooden doll that you can dress up, the baking set that you can really use and the pink flashlight (BIG DEAL, trust me) which goes with a Christmas present, two cute shirts and princess slippers. CRAZINESS!
Em has LOVED having Happy Birthday sung to her today and blowing out candles on cupcakes (which she VERY CAREFULLY licked all the icing off and proclaimed she was all done, her father's child for sure).
I have to say, Cam's been an awesome big brother today, excited for Emmy, helping her open presents and never getting jealous. Pretty amazing kid.
Anyhow, here's the pics of the day so far...and we really miss last years party with the first babydoll, but this year the first princess! AND Momma even thought of it, bonus!
LOOK HOW NICELY SHE ATE HER CAKE...she IS a true PRINCESS!! (Well...I'd throw in a little DIVA with that! Diva Princess--perfect!)
Cute pics, we really do miss ya'll!!
Adorable! It was nice of Stuart to give up his tiara so Emmy could wear it for her birthday!
Miss you guys!
P.S. We have MORE SNOW!
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