Today we braved painting with the kids!
Emmy sat at her highchair and painted "PINK" on the paper and then proceeded to paint her "muscles".
"Look at my muscles!!" she exclaimed! Oh yes, she also painted her nose.
Cam painted his Rhino that was started yesterday. Mixed the plaster of paris yesterday, painted the thing today...pretty cool! He also painted a nativity scene which I'd like to frame, very pretty. Currently its on the fridge.
Tomorrow she's 2!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH, babydom is gone and toddlerhood full speed ahead! But in the weirdest of things, she's been dry two days in a row (except for naps and bed) and known when to go pee. I think she'll potty train herself completely here in the next few months, she's done a great job up until now, goodness knows I haven't done a thing!
Happy Birthday, Emmy!
Also, a belated Happy Birthday Cam!
Olivia still prays for you both every night!
Happy 2nd Birthday Emery! Addison has been excited all morning about your b-day party/worship ministry Christmas party at Grammy's tonight!
THANKS!! The festivities have begun! And let me tell you this girl is good at birthdays! We're glad Olivia's eye is getting better!!! Hope Addi's ear gets better!!
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