She is THE princess Baalderinda.
Em's been into dressing up. A LOT.
She is ALWAYS a princess, naturally...wouldn't you be?
She went to youth group Sun night as a princess, she proceeded to Aldi today as one. BUT, the ballerina thing? This was new to me. I was amazed that she struck the appropriate pose! I'm chalking it up to Julia's influence on our recent short visit, but who knows. And Em was quite serious about her pose. It was the same arm dealie each time this was repeated and she HAD to be on "stage" at the top of the slide.
Anyway you slice it, cute.
Sorry, the ballerina thing could be coming from our house too...and it's quite likely that the princess thing originated here as well. You might want to go ahead and distance yourselves now before she starts singing Hannah Montana songs for you guys!!!!!!!!! :)
The cuteness is killing me... we are up to watching Cinderella and/or Little Mermaid at least twice a day.... Love the "Baalderinda" pronounciation.... so cute.
I actually asked if Em had learned the pose from Addison, she said no. Then I asked about J, and the answer was, "ummmm, yeah" translated that means, quit asking.
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