Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The book arrived!!!! Cam and I are 27 pages in...I'm 60 pages in. He read with me awhile then did alone time in his room for about 20mins while I read alone...bliss! We were curled up in a chair in a patch of sunlight while Em napped, beautiful.

The book so far, I'm laughing outloud, not wanting to finish housework or kid stuff, intrigued! Great writing, great details, funny, funny, funny and your older kids will love it. Cam's a little over his head with it, but still enjoying it. There are dragons...

Soooo, stay tuned for further details, but so far On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson is going to be a must read for families! (and I have a copy to give away...)

1 comment:

Nora said...

Sounds awesome!!! Can't wait for the review, but sounds already like a me and Daniel book...