Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Other Buddy

Then Cameren came over this week and they played OUTSIDE! We're going to miss him when he moves, ugg. Its the price of friendship, you never know when someone will move. But slowly we are going to end up with friends all over the world. So far he's got buddies in: Minnesota, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Washington. Pretty amazing for a 5 year old boy!?!


Nora said...

He may come over and have light saber fights anytime with Daniel.... Daniel would love to pretend he is a Jedi Master teaching Cam to become a Jedi... I can see it all now.

JonesFam4 said...

When's school out??? :) That would be a fun day...the girls could tea party and sing, boys fight. Perfect. You pick the day and let me know!

Nora said...

tried to post a comment, but don't know if it worked... he's out Friday if you guys want to come over. After that, his spring break begins April 4 and ends April 14. Let me know if Friday works for you guys!