Saturday, June 28, 2008

In the car

So, today was lovely.
A jaunt to Louisville to hear Rachel sing. Oh. my. word.
Our friends, Tom and Beth, have this little girl...okay she's 19...and boy can she sing.
We sat in the park and soaked it in, as much as possible with a no napped two year old and a still tired 5 year old.
It was beautiful. And I'm going to be glad to say, "I knew her when..." she was a free gig! :)

Then Andrew Peterson's kid's CD is in the car aplayin' and there's a lovely falsetto part in one of the songs.
This is where it doesn't get any better: CAM sings the falsetto! LOVING IT.
You can't laugh. Its sincere. BUT wow, its about the cutest thing.

And not to be out done, Em pulls out ALL the words to our fav. song, Beautiful Girl.

Andrew Peterson, Bugs and Slugs.
Beautiful moments in the car. (inbetween the silbling wars ofcourse! mine mine, no mine...)

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