Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh OH and...

We're Weight Watchers people.

Its been GREAT and Stu has ROCKED it...

He's at OVER 20 lbs lost and I'm, well, it WAS 10, but then there was this homemade ice cream...

Anyhow, I've got some creative recipes for some serious high fiber muffins that will FILL YOU UP and some yummy desserts and so far its been kinda fun trying to eat carrots.

Honestly, this seems to be the best way to lose weight and keep it off. All our friends that have done this have managed to keep off the weight for a long time, so its a good training in how to change your habits.

ANYWAY, go Stuart! And get your rear in gear me! :) Seriously, I'm so proud of Stu!!! He's doing so well and his tennis game ain't hurtin' either!


Keeping an Eye on Paraguay said...

yeah, but do you have the recipe for the Home-made Ice Cream?!?

JonesFam4 said...

NO, I do NOT want the would be nothing but dangerous in my hands...I'd weigh in at 200 in less than a year. Trust me, moderation is NOT a factor when it comes to me and homemade ice cream.

agmwilliams said...

I am the evil one who makes the ice cream...the recipe follows...very easy...
1 half gallon whole milk
1 pint heavy whipping cream
2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
Enough ice and rock salt to fill up the Rival electric ice cream freezer bucket.

Serves 8-10 (unless the Joneses are coming - Stacia can eat enough for at least 5 adults!)

JonesFam4 said...

NOoooooo do not post the recipe...ahhhhh. Good thing, we have no ice cream maker.

Side note, do NOT add more vanilla. It doesn't make it better.