Friday, June 13, 2008

Reminded of a funny in Florida

Betsy just reminded me of a funny (okay, super funny) Emmy moment in Florida.

Em had decided NOT to go to sleep. For two nights in a row she pulled her cute little stunt. But the second night, it was too much. I was tired, it was late. I threw down the gauntlet. I would take away Stinky if she did not go to sleep.

Now, Stinky (I named him, early on in his life and the name is accurate) is Emmy's pink bear/blanket dealie that the Hanna's graced her with upon her birth and Em chews him until she falls asleep. She LOVES Stinky and cannot, will not go anywhere overnight without him. So this threat was the mother of all threats.

Em looked thru tear stained eyes (we'd been battling for awhile) and suggested to me, "How 'bout you take Alice instead."

Alice is Em's imaginary, pink cat.

THAT is a smart girl. Funny. Smart. I was undone.

And if you're wondering Stinky did have to be absent from Em for about 30 minutes. It was all I could take and apparently it wore her out. So, yes. I win the cruel mom award of the year, but let it be noted, there was a sleeping girl in the Florida home. And Betsy got a pretty big kick out of Alice being offered up as the sacrifice lamb.

1 comment:

Nora said...

That is too cute! I'm glad your M-I-L could see the humor in it and didn't chastize you for taking it from her (as my mother would have done).