Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh and...

here's the stuff I forgot to blog:

the pond has baby ducklings (redundant?) and we've SO enjoyed walking down and watching them with their momma. God gives us some fun gifts! Also, robin's nest in the backyard tree with three babies!

Cam is swimming! Started this past Sunday night after Stuart helped him out at a friend's pool. It took him going underwater with goggles on and watching us kick our feet/legs. The swimmies on the arms cause them to kick like they're on a bike, not a swimming kick. But in ONE evening he was off and jumping off the diving board and swimming to the ladder. SO cool!

Em is a fish, she's in the water in just swimmies with her face in the water AND if you don't watch her she'll try and sneak the swimmies off to be like Bu. Ugg.

Cam continues on a two wheel bike and Em finally mastered a three wheel "big wheel" type deal. She still goes backwards quite a bit, but it's a vast improvement.

Other big summertime hits: the zoo, home, water, swimming, walks, bike riding, friends, throwing bird seed, late bedtimes, sleeping in, movies, water guns, grilling out (ohhhh grilling, its sooo wonderful - zucchini with Parmesan cheese and salt/pepper on it, grilled for about 10 mins on top rack - bliss!), badly needed baths at night...(the list could go on)

And with my one woman determination to suck the fun out of the world's shortest summer (school Aug 5th- ridiculous) there will be more summertime favorites to list!


Nickell said...

Wow you did have a lot to blog! The beach pics are great and you are a brave woman to brave it with two kidos! I am so glad you found your card!

Keeping an Eye on Paraguay said...

one of the things I miss most are summertime grillin!

Enjoy a hamburger for us!